Win a Ewe Lamb!
Rising Star Award
The American Hampshire Sheep Association's Youth Award
of a registered ewe lamb - given to qualifying young people.
Our 10th and final winner,
Brittany Coleman from Florida with FB 21022 RR.
Brittany Coleman, Florida
with her 2nd place class winner at Florida State Fair.
We have truly enjoyed participating in the Rising Star Award Project the past 10 years, donating an excellent show quality Hampshire ewe lamb each year. It has been a wonderful experience meeting each of these young people and watching our breeding stock flourish all around the country. Thank you for allowing us to be part of this project for the first 10 years. In 2011, the program has changed to a voucher awarded to each winner that can be used as various sheep sales. This should make the program a bit easier for the American Hampshire Sheep Association to administer.
Past Rising Star Award Winners
2009 Rising Star Award Winner
Baili Ewing from Indiana with "Lizzy"
2008 Rising Star Award Winner

Hannah Rodatz with her 2008 Fuller Rising Star Ewe
Winning 2nd at the N.C. Mountain State Fair Rising Star

Hannah Winning Champion Ewe at the Stokes County Fair in N.C.
Hannah Winning Champion Ewe at the Stokes County Fair in N.C.

The Hampshire ewe lamb we donated in 2007 went to Nancy Jackson of Missouri. She won Grand Champion Ewe at her county fair plus Champion Hampshire and later named Supreme Champion Ewe at the NEMO fair. The ewe also helped Nancy win Breeding Senior Showmanship. Congratulations Nancy !!
2006 Rising Star Award Winner

Our 2006 Rising Star ewe, F.B. 26007, was presented to Karly Ruppert from Minnesota. We have provided a top January ewe lamb for this program for 6 years now.
2005 Rising Star Award Winner

Our 2005 donated ewe lamb to the Rising Star Award program was won by Austin Reinick of Colorado. Austin and his family were on hand at Sedalia to accept the ewe lamb along with 7 other young people from all over the USA.
Austin said, “I am looking forward to building a Hampshire flock”.
2004 Rising Star Award Winner
Rising Star Ewe donated in 2004. FB 24007 "Bond's Girl" was given to Jacob Berg of Wyoming. This is the fourth year of this program and we have donated every year, the only Hamp breeder in the USA to donate every year.
2003 Rising Star Award Winner

This is the ewe lamb we donated to the Rising Star Award held in Sedalia at the Midwest Stud Ram Sale in 2003. Molly Riddell of Alabama was the lucky winner of FB 23007, one of our top ewe lambs.
2002 Rising Star Award Winner

Four of the eight recipients of 2002's Rising Star Award presented in Sedalia, Missouri. Brandi Brill of Kansas (2nd from right) with the ewe lamb she won donated to the program by Fuller's Hamps & Downs. Winners are chosen based on an essay written by the young people with the theme, "Why I would like a Hampshire ewe lamb."
2001 Rising Star Award Winner

Adam Heishman of Virginia with his Rising Star ewe lamb "Cupcake," awarded to him in Sedalia 2001, Hampshire ewe lamb donated by Fuller's Hamps & Downs. He showed her as a lamb and as a yearling. In January 2003, she became mother of twins for Adam.